Static Linking

Static linking will combine the IBM Open Class Library files with your object files to create a stand-alone application. This means that you are not required to have a copy of the X:\IBMCPP\DLL\DDE4*.DLL files on your system in order to run the application.

The side effect of using this will be that your application may appear to be quite enormous in size.

To use 'static linking' you must specify the /Gd- (this is the default) option when compiling your .CPP files. You can change this setting by one of the following methods:

See also Dynamic Linking and How to Link

Need info on rights, etc...are you allowed to distribute an application that was statically linked? Isn't there something in the docs? I haven't had the time to look it up yet -- if someone has references handy, please let me know.

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Page generated by Stéphane Charette on 1997 June 30
Open Class Library (OCL) FAQ © Stéphane Charette, 1997